Curious about Discourse Analysis? Take a DA Course!
There is an assortment of courses that you can take to learn or advance your knowledge about discourse analysis.

Words Matter: The CDAVE Community Blog
Words matter, and so do inflections, timings, contexts and far more. This blog is dedicated to uncovering the meanings within and surrounding human discourse.

The Center for Discourse Analysis and Video Ethnography (CDAVE) provides students, faculty, and staff with a space to explore the ways in which discourses are (re)produced in educational settings and society at large. CDAVE serves as a hub for information and …

The Center for Discourse Analysis and Video Ethnography supports research in areas related to either discourse analysis in educational settings. In order for the Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology community to benefit from the support offered by CDAVE

The Martha L. King Center for Language & Literacies …has long hosted presentations and conversations with luminaries in teaching and learning, research, development, and service. To view
News / Announcements
Meet CDAVE Fellows!
What’s your Context’s Context?
April 2, 2017 Judith Green and Carol Dixon, Professors Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara [This guest post was adapted from Green, J. & Dixon, C., (2002) Literacy in Context. In Barbara Guzzetti (Ed.), Literacy in America: An Encyclopedia. Denver: ABC-CLIO. It’s is as relevant and poignant today as when first published.] by Judith…
CDAVE Blog: On “Languaging”
David Bloome, Ohio State University Increasingly I see scholars using the term “languaging.” It is a term that I have also used (Bloome and Beauchemin, 2016). The more I read, the more it seems to me that we have different locations for the term. Sometimes those differences reflect our different intellectual histories; but, I…